"Statistical yearbook of china", published by the State Statistical bureau; 国家统计局出版的《中国统计年鉴》;
Research on Improving the Statistics of Real Estate in China Statistical Yearbook 对改进《中国统计年鉴》中商业地产统计的探讨
The ecological footprint of Shaanxi Province during the period from1993to2004is calculated based on the theory and calculation method of the ecological footprint, with the data of resources production and consumption, population, and land use from FAO Database and Shaanxi statistical yearbook. 基于生态足迹理论和计算方法,采用联合国粮农组织(foodandagricultureorganization,fao)及《陕西省统计年鉴》等自然资源生产与消费、人口、土地等数据,分析了1993-2004年陕西省生态足迹变化情况。
Source: Education Statistical Yearbook in china. 中国教育统计年鉴。
The experience of listing social security as a separate classification in statistical yearbook in UK, USA and Japan is helpful to set up Chinese social security statistics. 中国在构建社会保障统计的起始阶段,尤需注意英、美、日三国将社会保障作为独立大类在统计年鉴中单独列示;
Public Library Development of Jiangsu Province in Terms of Statistical Yearbook 从统计年鉴看江苏省公共图书馆事业发展
The Problems of Statistical Yearbook of Chinese cities and the Suggestions for Improvement& A public library project as an example 我国城市统计年鉴存在问题及改进建议&以公共图书馆项目为例
Appendix and the data of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao Special Administrative Region and TaiwanProvince are collected from China Statistical Yearbook. 附录以及香港、澳门特别行政区和台湾省数据摘自《中国统计年鉴》。
This paper states the differences of the practical volume of traffic in social production process from the statistical volume of traffic in 《 Statistical Yearbook 》 in such aspects as concepts, properties, and usage. 本文阐述了社会生产过程中实际运量与《统计年鉴》中统计运量之间在概念、性质、用途等方面存在的区别,对周转量也作了分析。
Using the linear regression method, the statistical data of construction industry of statistical yearbook of production and construction corps Xinjiang, 1996, were analysed. 根据1996年《新疆生产建设兵团统计年鉴》有关建筑业的统计资料,利用线性回归方法,对影响兵团建筑业总产值的因素进行了分析。
Based on the data announced by Chinese Statistical Yearbook: 2003, this article predicts to the short-term supply and demand of labor force and the rate of unemployment in cities and towns of China, which gives us some helpful enlightenments. 本文在《中国统计年鉴:2003》公布的数据基础上,对中国城镇范围内劳动力的短期供求状况和失业率进行了预测,并从中得到了一些有益的启示。
The original data come from the statistical yearbook and government environmental notice. 文章的原始数据均来自统计年鉴及政府环境公告。
Provide the reference basis for health cause. Methods: ( 1) Literature research: Study the sixth Shanxi Province population census data 、 Shanxi Province economic development material 、 Shanxi Province health statistical yearbook data carefully. 研究方法:(1)文献研究:将山西省第六次人口普查资料、山西省经济统计年鉴、山西省卫生发展等资料进行认真研读,按照研究目的对其整理、综合和分析。
Secondly, this paper summarizes and puts forward many problems in the integrated traffic law enforcement in Chongqing by the empirical analysis method and on the basis of the materials provided by the state Statistical Yearbook and Chongqing transportation yearbook. 其次,运用了实证分析的方法,以国家统计年鉴和重庆市交通年鉴提供的数据为支撑,较系统地总结和提出了重庆交通行政综合执法过程中存在的多项问题。
The third part: collect the data from Statistical Yearbook of China and several databases, analysis the graph of the change of the housing transactions 'total tax based on the process of the data and explain the reasons of every turning point. 第三部分:对各统计年鉴及其数据库中的数据进行了搜集,在对数据进行相应合理处理的基础上,分析交易环节税收总量的变化曲线图,分析了变化图各转折点的现实原因。
From some of the literature, this article will select some of the unemployment rate estimation methods to integrate, make a research on the data from China Statistical Yearbook and China Labor Statistical Yearbook, and find a best estimate. 本文将会从一些文献中选取一些失业率的估计方法进行整合,并对《中国统计年鉴》和《中国劳动统计年鉴》中的数据进行细细地研究,找到一个最佳的估计方法。
The data used in this essay mainly come from the information network and Statistical Yearbook of Chengdu 2006. 本文的数据来自统计信息网和成都市的统计年鉴06年的数据。
First, it introduces the definition of discrimination, related theories and current research status, and then based on theoretical study, make an empirical research to a number of related data in the Statistical Yearbook of China of recent years. 本文从歧视的定义以及相关的理论和目前的研究现状入手,在理论学习总结的基础上,对我国近些年的统计年鉴的一些相关数据进行了实证分析。
Third, the new reference data, text data were cited in 2006 Statistical Yearbook data and the April 2007 deadline for the declaration of state of statistical data, it has very strong timeliness. 三是引用数据资料新,文中数据分别引用2006年统计年鉴数据和2007年4月截止的申报状况统计数据,有很强的时效性。
It uses census data, Statistical Yearbook of some years and relative data of the National Economic and Social Development of 11 cities to make a systematic study for the characteristic of population growth and distribution since the founding of Shanxi Province. 该部分利用山西省人口普查资料、部分年份的山西省统计年鉴和11个地市的国民经济和社会发展报告相关数据,对山西省建国以来人口增长及分布特征进行系统研究。
Positive aspects of the software by using principal components analysis SPSS, high-tech industries in China Statistical Yearbook by selecting the electronic information industry in 2003-2008 data, modeling of the spillover effect of FDI for empirical analysis. 在实证方面,通过用SPSS软件进行主成分分析,通过我国高新技术产业统计年鉴选取2003&2009年电子信息产业的相关数据,建立模型对FDI的溢出效应进行实证分析。
Chapter 3 chooses relevant data in 2008 China Statistical Yearbook, makes prediction and analysis to the income of urban residents by traditional GM ( 1,1) and does research to the model error and precision. 在第三章中选择2008年中国统计年鉴的有关数据,通过传统的GM(1,1)模型对我国城镇居民收入进行了预测与分析,并对该模型的误差以及精度进行了分析和讨论。
This paper used the national data mainly comes from statistics yearbook on past and the Henan statistical yearbook. 文中用到的数据主要来源于历年《国家统计年鉴》和《河南省统计年鉴》。
Then this paper is based on statistical yearbook data of Inner Mongolia and neat, through data analysis in Inner Mongolia in recent years the equalization of basic public services description and evaluation on the development status, and find out the related problem. 然后通过对内蒙古统计年鉴进行数据梳理和规整,通过数据分析来对内蒙古近年来的基本公共服务均等化发展现状进行描述和评价,并且找出相关问题所在。
Then based on the panel data from the Statistical Yearbook of the six provinces in regression model, we empirical analysis of these factors in labor-intensive industries, capital-intensive industries and technology-intensive industries that which variables have a significant impact, which have little effect on the model variables. 接着基于中部六省统计年鉴中的面板数据建立回归模型,实证分析这些变量因素在劳动密集型行业、资本密集型行业和技术密集型行业中哪些具有显著性影响,哪些对模型的影响不大。
Data Master to two years from the Statistical Yearbook, the paper adopted a factor analysis and cluster analysis. 数据主要来源于这两年的统计年鉴,本文采取了因子分析法和聚类分析法。
Furthermore, for the data missing in statistical yearbook, the research meets half way. 另外,由于统计年鉴某些数据的年份的缺失,使得本文在研究分析中稍有折中处理。